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Let us help you grow a profitable business


₦ 1,000.00

About the product
Are You ready to start a Business  during this Convid19 pandemic  ?We can help. .. Do  you  have  a 8- 5  job or you recently resigned/retired  and you have acquired several years of experience in your career and you are contemplating whether you can now start a business. Starting a business is not something you rush into or you may rush out to join millions of  Nigerians who have lost their jobs  We  have  a  database  and  facts  of  businesses  that  have been quite  very lucrative in  Nigeria  for  a  period  of 10years. You may be facing some Business challenges to mention a few here: ü  Developing the Vision and Business Ideaü  Raising Capital for your Startupü  Assembling a Business Teamü  Finding the Right Business Locationü  Finding Good Customersü  Dealing with Competitionü  Unforeseen Business Challenges and Expensesü  Urgent need for Business assessmentLet us  help you  resolve these challenges that may affect your business   Highlights/ Benefits·  ·  Affordable  International Executive training courses/ International certifications ·  Access to Advanced Accounting software to enhance productivity·  Access to Advanced HR  software to optimize performance in workplace·  Access  to 360 degree Business performance  software to maximize  profit·  Free Advert placement of company’s product/services in the newspapers based on volume  ·  Up to 20 percent discount on our Recruitment exercise and training courses. ·  Free  Life /Executive/Business coaching session availableBusiness Start up loans are now available. The  journey  to  financial  independence    starts  with  the  first  step  of  courage  .SDIL has a league of  International Certified Sigma Business/ Management consultants, Project Managers, Business Coach, Seasoned HR Professionals, ISO trained to improve the overall performance of the BusinessWe will happy to help in the drafting of your business plans, improve your business processes, Business modelling,  work on your HR /Business strategy in order to reduce cost, improve sales and optimize performance in workplace  We are very affordable…Take advantage of the Life coaching sessions available. Life coaching session will help you  to be more productive, fulfilled in your career or work and help  identify and tackle obstacles on their path to achieving  your goals Sessions available online, Whatapp, instagram, zoom, skype Call SDIL +2348050383215, 08033549151 09044165315
Seyi Dekol

Seyi Dekol

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